It all started when…
Life before intuitive eating was about obsessing about food, not going out to social events because of fear of losing control of food, fear of what people thought of me, self-loathing body image thoughts, and even worse, constant comparison to others and wishing my life was more like theirs, and ultimately never feeling safe, never fitting in, and ultimately never feeling ‘enough’.
Fast forward a few years with full recovery from disordered eating under my belt, and a healed relationship with food and my body, and the world is my oyster! I now have a neutral body image and total trust and freedom around all foods, so that I have space in brain beyond dieting to live a life o true purpose, and it turns out aesthetic video creation is a passion I did not realise I had unil now!
Please feel welcome to join me over at ‘Intuitive Living Diaries’ on youtube where I share self-care and gentle living in the english countryside, along with all things cosy in each season of nature, my constant compass and guide in life.