Why giving up diets is scary, and why it is actually the best thing to happen to you for your future health and happiness!
If you’re like many clients I see, the idea of not dieting or following some sort of food rules an be scary (even when you know you can’t force down one more food plan or drink). It’s normal to feel panicky about letting go of dieting, especially when it seems everyone around you is on some diet or healthy lifestyle plan to shrink the body. It has been the only tool you have known to (attempt to) lose weight (albeit temporarily).
Hitting diet bottom is a paralysing feeling - damned if you do and damned if you don’t. Many clients initially feel stuck between two conflicting fears ‘If I continue dieting, I’ll continue to feel like a failure’ and ‘if I stop dieting, I’ll feel lost.
Three other common fears are:
FEAR: If I stop dieting, I won’t stop eating!
REALITY: Dieting is often the trigger for overeating. Of course it’s hard to stop eating when you’ve been under eating and restricting food. It is a normal response to starvation, but once your body learns (and trusts) that you will not be starving it anymore through dieting or a restrictive food plan, the intense drive for overeating will decrease.
FEAR: I don’t know how to eat when I’m not dieting or following an eating plan
REALITY: When you banish food plans and become an intuitive eater, you will be eating in response to your inner signals, which will guide your eating. This is a gentle process which takes time, patience, and trust, using the 10 principles of intuitive eating to support you every step of the way.
FEAR: I will be out of control
REALITY: Control is not an issue with intuitive eating. Instead, you will be relying on your internal hunger and fullness signals and cues, and internal wisdom, rather than on external factors, social media influencers, and authority figures. Nobody can be the expert of you. Only you know your thoughts, feelings, and experiences.
The 10 principles of Intuitive eating provides a safe, nurturing, self care frame work, which is evidence based, to support you to finally free yourself from the diet trap, become the expert of your own body, and live a life of truly vibrant health and wellness. Welcome to the start of the rest of your diet free and glorious life!